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Showing posts from August, 2014

Asp.Net interview questions and answers with example for beginner, intermediate and experienced level

Asp.Net interview questions and answers with example for beginner, intermediate and experienced level. ? Ans: 1. Which is the parent class of all the web server controls? Ans: The System.Web.Ul.Control class is the parent class for all Web server controls. 2.To which base class a Web form belongs to? Ans: A Web form belongs to the System.Web.UI.Page class. 3.What method is used to sign out from forms authentication? Ans: The FormsAuthentication.Signout() method is used to sign out from the forms authentication. 4. What is PostBack? Ans: Postback in an event that is triggered when an action is performed by a control on page. For example, when we click on a button, the data on the page is posted back to the server for processing. 5. What is AutoPostBack property in Ans: If we want a control to postback automatically when an event is raised, we set the control's AutoPostBack property to True. If we set AutoPostBack="true" on a cont...